Executive Mentoring
You have come to the right place.
The Executive Mentorship Program
The Executive Mentorship Program is a monthly subscription that requires a one-on-one meeting with our founder every other week, at a minimum. Each meeting will be between 1 and 2 hours and in these meetings, we will dig deep into your business, confront your challenges, uncover opportunities, and hold you accountable to yourself and your goals.
This access is personal, does not scale, and our combined mentorship enrollment is extremely limited.
You commit to showing up to work on your business and we commit to supporting you along the way.
Bi-Weekly One-on-One Meetings (1 to 2 hours each).
Email and Phone inter-meeting support (24-hour turn-around).
Highly limited and selective engagement.
What it is NOT
We are not your legal team, your accounting firm, your downstream leadership coaches, nor are we your investment banker. We are the support to the top leader within the organization. The one who bears the risk. We support you, challenge you, and provide an outside perspective while helping you maximize the upside, cover the downside and make better decisions.
Who it is FOR
This is a program for a select few leaders. You need to be the leader of your organization, at the very top, and in charge of all the heavy decisions. You need to be willing to work on your business and willing to push yourself. You need to be vulnerable. And, we need to have chemistry.
Why do you NEED IT
You don't put "Hire a Mentor" on the strategic plan. But your gut will tell you when you need one. When you can feel that you're leaving a lot on the table. When you need to get out of the room where your partners and employees validate you. When the soft and almost predictable challenges are no longer stimulating. When you need an outside perspective to dig deeper, to be vulnerable, and to be challenged.