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Who We Are

About Us

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Our mission

Steve jobs famously said, "we can't connect the dots looking forward," "you can only connect them looking backward...".  When we look back on our journey, the life we lived to get us to this very moment, there are PEOPLE along the way that we point to and know - without that chance collision, or deep friendship, or love - we would not be the best of who we are today.

Our Mission is to be one of those people, one of those dots along the way, that positively altered the course of your life.

Core values

Core values are so overused that they rightfully provoke a well-earned eye-roll. So often, they are written in a board room, printed on paper, and stuck above the copy machine - and then quickly forgotten.

Core Values start as a personal statement to me as a leader. Memorialized on paper and kept close for when things get hard. For the moments that push us outside of our comfort zone. When our core values are challenged, is when they are most important.  

As a leader, the people I lead deeply understand this - because when the shit hits the fan, it is the basis from which we take action. Our Core Values are unchanging guiding principles that lead us when times are good and support us as people and leaders when it gets tough.

Our Core Values:

  • Measure our success by what we give.
  • Always act with integrity, honesty, humility, and love.
  • Serve our clients as peers and work in their best interest.
  • Enjoy this journey and live a life worth living.


Meet The Founder

Adam Blecker Headshot 2022

Adam Blecker

Founder & CEO